Make A Wish Foundation Bedroom
This story is reposted from 2011.
My daughter had the pleasure and privilege to have her wish granted by
the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
If you ever get a chance to donate to this wonderful charity please
consider this one...
The Make-A-Wish Foundation grants wishes to children who have life-threatening medical conditions.
My youngest daughter has Cystic Fibrosis. She had her wish of a room make-over granted. Cystic Fibrosis is a life threatening, chronic disease that effects the lungs and digestive systems of about 30,000 children and adults in the United States.
A room make-over was my daughter's wish. She wanted a beautiful space she
could call her own. She wanted to have privacy and comfort where she could
watch television and do her treatments.
The Make-A-Wish Foundation made her wish come true!
To say that Make-A-Wish was generous is an understatement. They gave her a fantastic budget and let her pick out anything she wanted. We shopped at a furniture store, Target and Pottery Barn Teen. She received every room accessory her little heart desired.
Most of the packages arrived on the day the furniture was delivered. I let her stay home from school as we watched the trucks roll up with all her beautiful new accessories and furniture.
The smile on her face and the excitement was priceless and something I will remember forever!

I think Make-A-Wish truly made her one of the happiest girls in the world that day.
Thank you Make-A-Wish for making this little girls dream come true!

We thank God every day for bringing this strong, courageous and beautiful young lady into our lives!
She teaches us all how to live life to the fullest!