Vintage Book Page Shamrock Banner

Here's a fun and easy banner made with old books.

scissors and old book

This can be a very controversial subject... 

using old books in a project causes some a great deal of concern. 

Please be aware that these books were saved from being thrown out and I'm giving them a new life with my project. 

string and glue gun

As you scroll through this post please pay attention to the bold blue links for more Homeroad projects and the products I used for this project. 

affiliate disclaimer

I began by cutting a flag shape from a page of the book. 

You can cut any shape. 

I attached the flags to a length of string with hot glue

book page flag

When I had as many flags on my banner as I needed, I added a shamrock sticker to the center of each flag. 

book page banner with shamrock stickers

You can hang your easy to make book page banner anywhere but I like hanging mine over the repurposed wreath chalkboard I made recently. 

book page banner on a chalkboard and a wreath

I hope you'll give this project a try and not worry too much about ruining a book. 

Some books like in this case, deserve a new life after they are discarded. 

shamrock garland on a wreath

Take a look at a few other recycled book projects:

clover banner with overlay

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I am Susan, the author and creator at Homeroad. I am a wife, mother of 4 daughters, and a grandmother of 5 and counting. I am a retired teacher, a DIY blogger and an artist at heart. .