How to Make a Rustic Flower Box for Faux Flowers
At one time I made it using chippy old leftover wood from the workshop but the time had come to give it a new look.
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Today I pulled off some of the trim and added half of a crate to the front of the piece.
You're going to find the other half of this crate on another project soon!
I cut a small slatted, wooden crate in half and attached it with wood glue and nails to the original piece.
I gave the whole piece, front, and back, a coat of black paint. I distressed the edges with sandpaper to make it look worn then added a ceramic letter and the word welcome.
Add real flowers by lining the inside of the crate with plastic and add soil. If you don't have a green thumb like me, fill the crate with faux flowers and call it a day.
Turn scraps from the workshop into a welcoming flower box.
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