How to Up-Cycle a 1960's Cork Board
I found it at an estate sale and knew there was some potential for a great up-cycle here.

It is an annual sale I visit every year and usually find at least one thing I can up-cycle and sell.
As you're reading through this post please pay attention to the bold blue links that will take you to more information and the products I used for this project. Also the READ MORE sections will take you to related Homeroad projects.

Last year I found a great pile of stuff and one of them even ended up on Apartment Therapy recently!
This time I found this old, interesting cork board and I brought it home just to see what I could do with it.

I began by taping-off the cork with Frog Tape. Frog tape is the best tape I know for keeping paint from leaking under the edges.
I wanted to keep the cork the natural color and painting it might yellow the paint.
I could use a spray sealer on the cork and then paint it but I didn't want to make the cork too hard.

I wiped down the wood before I painted it with Krud Kutter that cleans old wood well then used Fusion Mineral Paint in Raw Silk to paint the wood.

One of my very favorite stencils is one of a bee. You can find it by clicking on this affiliate link.
The bee was the perfect stencil for this project and his little bee belly fit perfectly around the hole in the wood!

The only thing left to do was to use a sanding block to distress the edges of this cute little cork board.

I found little bee thumb tacks that were just what this cork board needed.

I knew if I brought this home from the estate sale I could make this piece new again and give it a little farmhouse style.

Please pin for later --->>

Take a look at a few more repurposed cork boards.
Click on the bold links to be taken to the tutorials: