Felt Ball Trivets
If you've ever seen the felt trivets at Trader Joes then you're going to love this project!
I love those colorful trivets made from what look like small felt balls, I wanted try and make them myself.
I waited for Michaels to have a big sale and I was on it! Today was the day!
Take a look...
Michaels has 70% off of all the Christmas this week. That means that even things that are not quite Christmas and things that are red and remind me of Valentine's Day projects are also on sale!
While you're reading through this post please visit the bold blue links for the products I used and links to related Homeroad projects. The READ NOW section will take you to bonus projects too!
I picked up several bags of these felted garlands. See, not quite Christmas but 70% off! Follow this link, they are still on sale!
I also grabbed one of the larger felt pom pom garlands. I've had my eye on them for a while too but at full price they were a little more than I wanted to spend for this project.
You will also need some coordinating felt squares.
I started working with the smaller garland first... I wanted to create a circular trivet like the ones I saw at Trader Joes and I thought the smaller garland would work well.
I placed parchment paper on my work surface so I wouldn't have any hot glue mess on my desk.
I cut out a circle from coordinating colored felt and started at the center.
I glued the starting point to the center of the circle of felt.
I used hot glue to attach the garland to the circle. The big trick here is to make sure the hot glue is under the garland. You don't want to get hot glue all over the felt balls.
When you get to the end you can trim the felt backing so it doesn't show from the top.
The trivet came out cute but I thought the larger felt ball garland might work even better!
I cut the larger garland in half and tied the strings to keep the balls from sliding off.
I began in the center and again and glued the balls in a circle onto coordinating felt.
I just love the way they came out! I decided to try one for Valentine's Day. I began by cutting out a heart from maroon felt. I went around the shape with the garland with no glue first to be sure my heart was the right size!
I started at the bottom point and hot glued the garland around and around until I got to the center.
When I got to the center I cut off the extra garland.
These are so fun to make, I'm sure glad I didn't just buy one at TJ's!
I think they really came out adorable! Even though the ones at Trader Joes were not too costly, I just love to make things myself!
Check the white felt ball garland I used in a previous DIY project. These would look great all white for my house too but they may get dirty quickly.
The trivets work really well but my favorite are the larger felt ball trivets!
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The trivets at TJ's were square but I love the circle design as well and I made 2 for even less than theirs.
I hope you'll give this project a try! I tested a hot pot on the trivet and it worked great, no issues!
You might want to spray your trivets with some kind of scotch guard to keep them clean.
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