Vintage Farmhouse Garden Crate

Did you ever see something online that you thought was absolutely beautiful and you want to try to make it yourself?

That is what's happening here today. I saw this beautiful vintage green chippy crate with a handle in the center. It was just a photo with no markings of where it came from. 

I knew now my mission was to make one of these beautiful crates and use it for flowers in the garden. 

Take a look...

green crate with towel and jar

So several years ago I was the lucky recipient of a whole bunch of very old wooden tool crates. 

vintage wooden crates

They were the perfect size to repurpose. One project I made with a few of them is the best kitchen crate that sits behind my sink. It is my absolute favorite project to date. 

kitchen crate organizer

As you're reading through this post please pay attention to the bold blue links that will take you to more information and the products I used for this project. Also the READ MORE sections will take you to related Homeroad projects. 

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Today I'm using 2 more crates and using them to build the gorgeous green garden crate I saw online. 

two wooden crates

I began by laying them end to end and with a piece of scrap wood in between. I used the crates to determined the size of the handle I would need to make for the center. 

scrap wood in between 2 crates

I used a jigsaw to cut the scrap wood to size then cut a hole for the handle in the top. 

crate handle with hole

Next, I used wood glue and screws to attach the handle to the center of the 2 crates. Long clamps held it together until the glue dried. 

crates with handle and clamps

When the glue was dry and the clamps removed I sanded the handle down so it had no sharp edges. 

crate with handle in center

This crate was beginning to look like the coveted vintage crate already!

handle with sanded corners

All I needed to do now was to give it a coat of paint or two. 

crate ready for paint

I chose Fusion Mineral Paint in Brook. This green is reminiscent of a vintage green and that is just the color I was going for! 

FMP Brook vintage green crate

In order for the crate to look old and a little dirty, I used a dark grey and a little bit of antiquing gel to dirty up the green. 

I also used Distress Ink stamp pad to add distressing in a dark color around the handle. If you remember, the scrap wood I used was white and didn't distress like the rest of the crate. The stamp pad is an excellent way to add color. 

Distress stamp pad and wooden crate

You can see where I "dirtied up" the green paint in this photo. 

crate with tea towel and mason jar

This crate looks so very much like the one I loved online and can be used to carry flowers, vegetables or just for display. 

green crate with flowers and jar

The next time you see something you love online see if you can duplicate it by repurposing something you already have. 

Please pin for later --->> 

garden crate with flowers and overlay

green farmhouse crate with towel and jar


Flowers and jar in crate

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garden crate with towel and jar and overlay

I'm ready to work in my garden, I have a million projects ready to go and I'll be using my new crate!

garden accessories in green crate



Green garden crate and accessories on the wall

Thanks so much for visiting and before you go please sign up for the Homeroad emails so my next DIY tutorial will go out straight to you! 

green garden tote with flowers

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I am Susan, the author and creator at Homeroad. I am a wife, mother of 4 daughters, and a grandmother of 5 and counting. I am a retired teacher, a DIY blogger and an artist at heart. .