Paper Napkin Decoupaged Banner

Today's project was a complete experiment! I'm experimenting with things I had around the house and I was curious if this technique would work on burlap. 

If you know how to decoupage with napkins then you're ahead of the game! There are many different ways to do this technique, I'll show you the easiest! 

Grab some burlap, paper napkins and glue...

and take a look...

burlap napkin banner on hooks

Like I said, this is an experiment...

As you're reading through this post please pay attention to the bold blue links that will take you to more information and the products I used for this project. Also the READ MORE sections will take you to related Homeroad projects. 

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The first thing I did was to grab a decorative paper napkin. I'm using one for Halloween because that is what I have right now but the technique is the same with any paper napkin. 

decorative napkin and scissors

I separated the layers of the napkin, you will only be using the top decorated layer. 

Next, I cut a piece of burlap ribbon about 3" x 3" in size. I got this bolt of burlap ribbon from Michaels, it was 60% off because it was Fall decor. I think you can use it all year long! 

burlap ribbon

I painted the burlap with regular white glue. You can also use Mod Podge for this project anyplace I used white glue. 

I laid the napkin over the white glue on the burlap and pressed it down. 

napkin on burlap with glue

Now before the bottom layer was dry I gave the top of the napkin another coat of white glue and let it dry. 

There is another way to do this and that is to paint the white glue on the burlap, let it dry, then iron the napkin over the top with a piece of parchment paper over the napkin. The heat from the iron will reactivate the glue and the napkin will stick. 

I let the pieces dry then cut the burlap pieces into flag shapes.  They were stiff, just like I had hoped! 

flag shapes with napkins

I punched holes in the top of the banner flags using this heavy duty hole punch then added small grommets.  

banners with grommets and tools

BTW This hole punch is awesome! It punches through thick cardboard, burlap, and many layers of paper at a time. 

banner flags with grommets

Lastly, I strung jute twine through the banner flags and added torn fabric ties between them. 

banner and twine

This experiment worked just as I had hoped it would! 

decoupaged banner on twine

Please pin for later -->> 

banner flags and overlay

The flags on this banner came out stiff and the napkin design is clear! 

banner on hook rack with overlay

I only made two flags for my mini banner because I was experimenting but it works in my small space and I'm loving it. 

banner on hook rack


banner with ribbon

Try this technique with burlap or wide fabric ribbon and with different napkins for different seasons.

close up of banner flag


napkin banner on hooks

Thanks so much for visiting and before you go please take a minute to sign up for the Homeroad emails so my next DIY tutorial will go out straight to you!

banner on cutting board hooks


I am Susan, the author and creator at Homeroad. I am a wife, mother of 4 daughters, and a grandmother of 5 and counting. I am a retired teacher, a DIY blogger and an artist at heart. .