Pedestal Pumpkin Covered Dish

Here is a fun one today! It is fairly easy to make and you can keep it out all Fall season! 

I began with a simple fake pumpkin and created the cutest covered dish for the Fall. 

I'm using this at my coffee bar to hold coffee pods but you can use it for fruit, candy, or whatever you want to store away in a festive decorative dish! 

Take a look...


coffee bar and pedestal pumpkin storage

I began with a simple fake hollow pumpkin from Michaels. Be sure not to get a solid styrofoam pumpkin, it needs to be hollow. white hollow pumpkin

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I chose a white pumpkin because it is just about the same color I plan on painting it! 

The first thing I did was to cut the pumpkin in half. I drew a line around the center of the pumpkin and used a fine saw to cut around the pumpkin. pumpkin cut in half

Once the pumpkin was cut in half I sanded the edges on both the top and bottom. sanded pumpkin edges

I had an old wooden candlestick that I'm going to use as the pedestal. It was already painted so I just popped the bottom of the pumpkin on top with E6000 glue. pumpkin on a candlestick

The next thing was to paint the inside and outside of the pumpkin. For the inside I spray painted it with a white matte spray paint. On the outside of the pumpkin I mixed up a little Fusion Mineral Paint in Raw Silk with about a tablespoon of baking soda. I added the baking soda just to thicken the paint a bit. painted pumpkin on a candlestick

Next, I removed the original stem on the top of the pumpkin with a Dremel which gave me a nice flat surface. dremel saw cutting stem

I replaced the stem with a real stem and a circle of moss. real pumpkin stem and moss

Lastly, I wanted my pumpkin to have a little glitz so I used Gold Leaf Rub and Buff to paint the pedestal and around the center of the pumpkin in a fading design. gold pedestal

pumpkin on a pedestal with gold design

That was it! pedestal pumpkin with gold

I'm going to use my pedestal pumpkin as storage on my coffee bar this Fall. pumpkin on coffee bar

It is the perfect place to hide the coffee pods! coffee pods in a pumpkin

coffee bar with pumpkin storage

Please pin for later --->> 

pumpkin coffee pod holder and overlay


Pumpkin bowl and basket on table

No coffee bar? No worries... how about a Fall fruit bowl?pumpkin with peaches on table


Pedestal pumpkin filled with peaches

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gold pumpkin on pedestal



I am Susan, the author and creator at Homeroad. I am a wife, mother of 4 daughters, and a grandmother of 5 and counting. I am a retired teacher, a DIY blogger and an artist at heart. .